Financial Aid Forms
To complete your financial aid application, we may request you submit additional forms. Please contact us if you are unsure which forms to complete.
Forms may be submitted to Lamar State College Port Arthur Financial Aid Office using your preferred method.
- Mail: 正规靠谱赌博软件 Office of Financial Aid ▪ PO Box 310 ▪ Port Arthur, TX 77641
- Drop off: 304 Student Center
- Scan and email:
- Fax: 409-984-6025
Document Submission Requirements
- Please read the directions for all forms. Make sure all forms are filled out completely.
- Please make sure that all forms are signed and DATED.
- All forms must be signed with a “wet” or handwritten signature. Typed signatures are not accepted.
- If submitting forms by e-mail use your e-mail address ONLY.
- Please submit all e-mailed documents to us in PDF Format.
Financial Aid Forms
- 4506T
- Change of Housing Notification
- Excessive Hour or Earned Degree Appeal
- Federal Fresh Start Loan Acknowledgement Form
- Financial Aid Academic Progress Appeal Form
- Financial Aid Cancellation Request Form
- Homeless Determination Worksheet
- Identity and Statement of Educational Purpose
- IRS Transcript Request Form
- Loan Change Request Form
- Parents No Taxes Filed
- Parent Refuse to Sign
- Permanent Disability Discharge
- Petition for Dependency Override
- Proof of Legal Dependents Form
- Selective Service Statement
- Signed Certification of Business Assets
- Special Circumstance Appeal
- Statement of Eligibility for State Programs
- Student Authorization to Release Educational Records
- Students No Taxes Filed
- TASFA 2024-25 English
- TASFA 2024-25 Spanish
- Verification of Separation
- Verification Worksheet
- If you do not have a scanner, you can use a free cell phone scanner app, such as Adobe Scan, to take pictures and convert the picture into a PDF document.
- All 正规靠谱赌博软件 forms are in Fillable PDF format. You can open the file with Adobe Acrobat and fill and save the form to your computer or cell phone.
- How to add a “Wet” or handwritten signature to a digital PDF document:
- Sign your name on a white piece of paper.
- Take a picture of it with your cell Phone.
- Save the picture to your computer or cell phone as a .gif image instead of a .jpeg.
- Open the form on your computer or cell phone using Adobe Acrobat.
- When you hit fill and sign, insert the picture of your signature. (You will be able to move it and resize it as necessary.)
- Save the signed document to your computer.
NOTE: Both Adobe Scan and Adobe Acrobat are free downloads from the play store.